Bayswater Case Study

About The Project​
B2B & D2C Content Strategy & Creation
I worked with Bayswater for over a year and a half, developing a huge part of their marketing offer. This included social media captions, punchy landing page content, and a full SEO strategy, shaped by a company acquisition and domain transfer.
This project was a huge collaboration between a variety of service providers including myself, a PPC specialist, a designer, and their internal marketing team.
Below you can find a range of samples of my work, including landing page content, long-form static web content and blog content.

Static Web Copy Sample (B2B)
Static website content for Bayswater’s flagship school, Bayswater London
-> Read my content
-> Visit the live website

Landing Page Copy Sample (B2C)
Landing page content for Bayswater’s Black Friday campaign 2023
-> Read my content
-> Visit the live landing page

Blog Post Copy Sample (B2C)
Short-form content for Bayswater’s blog
-> Read my content
-> Visit the live blog post
Contact Me
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